Friday, July 31, 2009 at 6:23 AM
I did my homework until midnight yesterday,
my eyes felt like wanna
I never have a nap today,i'm freaking tired now,but I can't sleep.
Nervousssss!I have to sit for my exam next monday.
No matter i did more and more revision,but I'm still misgiving
Have to
rush for my revision tommorow:(
This few day my kitty
BIBU looks not feeling well.
I worrying about it:(
Except my dear and my family,
BIBU are the one important character in my life
I hope
BIBU will recover
Next monday will
delay form 4 recess time.
And i can't see my
dear during recess:('
I'll miss her my baby<3
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 4:12 AM
Exam is around the corner and I don't know what should I do.I'm in a nervous and confusing status.I need to read 1 hundred peribahasa for my bm and science,moral and maths.I would die if I can't score credit in BM and try to score B in English.It's time to be serious for my study.Hope my result will better than last time,Amen(:
Yesterday my chinese teacher proceed P&P.And my group need to did a drama.Lol.It's fun,the story talking about a man lost his work at the same time his wife dead in a accident.It's a sorrowful story,but all of us just kept laughing.HAHA.And my character is the most important one.I'm the car driver who strike the man's wife by a chair.xp
Today our class had footsal competition:D.And I goal 5 balls.muahaha.Because some of them just stood there and didn't try to chase the ball.After pj i'm still sweating in class==.Pity
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 5:12 AM

[I got magical power.XD close your eyes,i'll take you somewhere:p]
Well,next monday have exam.I'm not confidence with history&moral,those subjects need to read and recite more.That's a barriee for me.Lol.Btw,hope i can take it with easy(:
I horror of my school,it's a horrible school that you all never see.My school manage without student but there got actress, son of bitches and fools!I'm so "scaring" with those bitches.They free to talk and play around in the school and their hobby is slander somebody.But i would forgave them,because they got a flithy mouth so can't utter decent language(:I understood it!And they never matured at all,they proceed cerebration with a brain inside their hips.HOHO.That's why they'r bitches and fools:D Study is the most important for our life and our future,but they thought play is the most important and whole world should do.Funny!They'r a typical and their good-for-nothing.Conclusion:They'r FUCKER!Lol
The End* Bub bye(:
Monday, July 27, 2009 at 6:00 AM
Hmm.School day again,bored and bored:(.Luckily that prefect didnt dimerit me again,she dimerit me with a stupid reason before>.

[I wanna be a man and i never be defeated!]
This year got photo competition again,i guess those bitches got join it.Lol.Hope god will bless those funny awful bitches.If they won,i'm sure all pgs student were blind=D I hate them so much
because they alway offend and judge me.I wanna told them i never be defeated,they'r just rubbish,day-dreamer!Don't thought i don't know what'r you all doing behind me(: They slander me like killed me by using a knife.But i won't scaring about it(: True friend?Just a phantasm
Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 2:29 AM
*Sigh*Finally i admit that i'm really a stupid in dance,mayb i'm not confidence or 100 percent concentration for dance.Now,i just can tell myself try your best dude!Hmm.Michael Jackson was bad passed away for almost 2 month.He's the one who i most admire,and i bought the passion magazine from the book fair in my school yesterday.I bought this with 30 bucks,am i crazy?Waste 30 bucks bought a magazine!But it's worth,and i'm not waste my money(:And i bought twilight new moon too,actually i don't even like twilight before.But after i watched the movie,i felt that this story were not bad and i can improve my english by read this book.Lol
[Show off the passion magazine with my silly face:P Ps:Look at the white glove]
Hee.Yesterday tried spaghetti and some fired chicken cooked by her.It's taste good,i didn't lie and I taste it by my true heart.I aet it before went to studio,yummy~~~(:I the only one who tried food cooked by her with out kindred:P Well,actually i aching all over because yesterday i did some strecthing exercise:(Today had quarrel with her again,but finally i'm still got sended massage to her.After 1 second i sended that message to her i received a message from her too.It's miraculos and prove me and her are unspoken consensus! Today was amc canteen day,people hang out for the fair.I'm stay at home with loneliest.I'm intrested with that fair but i can't out and i'm lazy to out.Lol.I sleep,eat,dance& online at home.That's the thing i do at home everyday,it's bored but i have to do so.
Sc hool life is not funny and happy with those fools and bitches.I tired with their acting and show.I know they'r alway slander me judge me.Nothing i can do,but they should know harm set,harm get.I never displease them,but they alway offend me.Those people alway looked at me not because i look nice.Because they'r dont even approves me,but i'll tell people that i don't care about it.I just care about my life my true friends my relatives and my lover<3>
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 2:43 AM
Hurray for our team get second place in hockey comepetition.Although we'r not the champion but i'm still freaking happy we can won that XX group.My thumb inflamed and felt so pain after pj period today because of i forgot my thumb inflamed and play volleyball with my friends==Hallelujah,Lol!
[Our battle achievements=DD]
[i try to do baby freeze after competition finish,Lol!]
[ignore me please] This few day i keep online watching movie,cause my cousin help me download the pps.I watched two movie and those so meaningful and nice!The first movie i wathced was romeo+juliet by Leonardo and Claire.I'm always hears some body else taking about romeo+juliet is the most romantic movie.It's true!I like it so much weee~~
[William Shakespeare's Romeo+Juliet.An amazing movie!] After that i watched 17 again by Zac.Actually i dont like Zac,but i watched it=D.It's meanignful.This movie talking about a best father and husband.Lol
[not bad.Lol]Recently i felt regret for always didnt do my maths homework.Because i realize my maths damn bad!I hope i can study more hard for my maths
Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 6:35 AM
Today just type a lilttle bit about hockey competition.Today we won again,but tommorow play with that xxxx a lil bit nervous=p.
Today result:first group:4-0
second group:7-1
Continue tommorow,i'll upload more pics and video.God bless,hope we can won in final!Dont mess up with us,we'r awful=powerful.XDD
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 6:30 AM

[Do you see me?we looked chating more than throw rubbish==]
I bring my camera to school to capture some pictures for P.moral folio.Actually we want take a picture for throw rubbish,but we looked like chat at there==.We took it when Pj period,after heavy rain the field was so wet and many water.Our shose fuckin dirty after took pic.ish!

Good job that we've done today,we won!Lol.The fisrt group we played with F3 second class.Result is 4-0.The second time we played with F3 sixth class.Result is 7-0.Hurray,we'r freaking awesome!XD.Actually our team got many hockey memeber and all got experience before,not fair for F3.Because they'r not enough experience amd sorry for i hits anyone in the competition.I'm sorry for it,i'm not purposely to done it:(Do forgive me.

[i took it in class.what a funny hair.Lol!]
Still got many pictures can't all post out.Continue tommorow=D
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 5:18 AM

[Aww~my cutie kitty!They was drunk milk(:]
Sunday night when i concentrate to send msg,i hear got some else shout loud.I opened window and looked around,got a indian woman scold a robust guy.That guy didn't say anything just stood infront the indian woman.Actually the indian bitch want slap the guy,but her relative prevent her.This action made that bitch get more crazy,and she push her relative fell on the floor.She yell and yell said fuck off.Lol.After that got 2 guys took her into the car,she kept yell==I recorded the bitch face but not yet upload.Next time i'll post it on the article.(:

[I trying to do the 6 steps.Lol]
The murderer who stole my friend's school bag and throw it to the dustbin almost certain.HAHA.I got no comment to this happend.But i want to told those else,don't forget GOD is not blind.Finally,the CCTV killed you.Lol.Do believe deserved fate will happend to you,if you had crime(:Don't think yourself is smooth criminal,you must lose!
Hey you liar,don't do some childish things and make all mad at you.F.U.C.K you liar.Go back to your zoo negara to eat banana.Lol
Friday, July 10, 2009 at 1:48 AM

Just back from studio,sweating and tired like helllllll~.I can't handle footwork probably *sigh*When doing footwork my hand keep quaking.That teacher said we all look like suffer from parkinsonism.Lol.I'm so nervous when learning too,i scare i can't follow the step.I got big ego,I can't cut a poor figure in the studio.Stresss~However,although it's hard,but i won't give up.Just labour!Train for dance more study for studies more.And i won't ignore my studies.I know study most important in our life.I'm sure i can done it,just be confidence.
Hockey competition coming next week weee~
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 5:55 AM

[my school]
Tommorow gonna take result but my mom didnt come to school because she not free.I have to take by myself:(*sigh*.But nevermind,my result also not good.Lol.Finally i gave up to take part in spelling bee competition:((..I want improve my english and improve myself(:
My maths teacher call me Hor Hee again.i hate it.She is indian ,she cant say cantonese,so she always call me Hor Hee.Like a noodles==Today got a bitchs throw my fren's bag to dustbin when seh was in science lab.Dont know whom too lame to do something like this.The odinary psychotic BITCHS.And i saw a few fucker slander MJ under his rehersal video in youtube.Some else said he is monster,some else said he abnormal.Those person please fuck off lar.He got pontential and he was hardworking for his occupation for his dance for his music.Give some respect please.
Next weds hockey competition.Nervous!Erm..Missing you.
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 5:53 AM

Have hockey competition again.And the first round play with form 3.nervous.Because they all are young.=)I hope i won't let someone strike by the bat and take it easy.HAHA.Tommorow have ert class again:('Hate it so much!Tommorow also is the first day i take part to learn breakdance.Hope i can handle it too.Lol
Talent quest.=)