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Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 11:35 PM

Wheee.Happy new year to all my friends.
And I hope all of you guys's dream come true and mine too=)
Have fun lastnight at greentown MP with mom,aunts and cousin sis!
The first new year I really feel happy.Woohoo

9.35pm went fetch cousin sis and aunts.
10.35 arrived MP= =
Ipoh isn't too big.Traffic jam><
There were many ppls.
But luckily we found empty seat.
And something funny happeded.LOL
I saw a man mopping the empty table then I asked can we sit here?
And he said"Yea sure.Sit.Please dont stand><"
Chill.After that I only knew he is MP's boss.

After that we order drinks and foods.
Originally me and cousin sis wanna order vodka.
But mommy dont let=(
I ordered Manjo juice blended and black pepper oxtail soup.
Kinda spicy soup!
And my cousin sis ordered a bowl of tom yam seafood soup.
I stole her sotong.XD
Absolutely we took a lots picture there!!!!

And the moment we shout Happy new year,there were something working in my brain
The memories of 2009 flashbacking!
But I love the moment I shout Happy new year with my cousin sis.Unforgettable>3

[Our soup!:D]

[It's nice actually.But with a little blur><]

[Saya dan ibuku.Take 1!Look at my pose.I love it.I'm kid:P]

[Saya dan ibuku.Take 2!My teeth is white:D]

[Drinking my mango juice blended.You'll puke if you see my silly face.LOL]

[Biu Jie>3]

[Me and her.We're awesome.XD]

[Going 12.00 am. MP given it to all customer!:D]

[Clap clap.Hee!]

[I wanna hit my mom:P]

[Weewee.Lighting glass!]

[My turn to holding it!:D]

[HOHO.I love her.XD]

[You cant see me:PP]

[Saya dan ibuku.Take 3!Kinda silly face.I'm nerd:D]

[Cousin sis with mom and aunts=D]

[Me with mom and aunts=D Look at my hand.I have no idea why I did this pose><]

[Me and cousin sis also love this!!!!>3]

[A kid trying to learn capture.XD]

[Clap clap.Happy New Year!!]

Too much pic.I couldnt upload all><
We keep take pic the whole night.
And cousin sis forgot her tom yam seafood soup.HAHA

Hmm.Nothing else I can say
Hope my dream can come true.
I want marry with my princessku.XD.Cisin
Bye 2009 bye bitch bye my old mind.:D
And halo bitches--- ___---

Say once again.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 5:38 PM

   The Sunday morning I went tuition center for choosing next year tt time.Once I reach there,there are many students already.And I wating for Yin Fei.But she was late>< Then I took my number first.I get 97!OMFG.Wait until my neck long.And the two girls who standing behind me keep talk talk and talk.Gonna kill them,fucking annoying!ISH

And sorry Pei Teng:( I couldnt help u choose.Sorry
At 9.30am.Me,Yin Fei,Tomato and Sim Yee took taxi went greentown to visit Yan Theng=D
Yan Theng's mom sell mee there.
Then we aet Hak kar mee there.HOHO
Sim Yee ordered a bowl of porringe.But she didnt finish it.
She said the porrige cool one><
After had a breakfast we walked to Ipoh Parade.
Yin Fei and tomato went there to buy some clothes.
Then me and Sim Yee just looking for nice clothes.
I saw some nice clothes.I would buy it by my salary.=D
Yin Fei bought a dress and a belt.Fatt hao lar
She bought the dress for clubbing one><

11 something,Yin Fei and Sim yee took taxi went to work.
Then I asked tomato's fetch me back too.
Her friend fetch us by motorbike = =
After went back home 2 something, I followed mom go aunty house again.ZZZ
But this time not that bored cause my lil cousin sis here.
She just came back from drawing class.
Busy girl= =
She study Amc next year.OMG.
No wonder she learn many thing.
Tuition,Drawaing class and ballet class
And her mom put a lot of pressure on her.
She just going to 7 years old.=(
BUt luckily she looked so enjoy all of those class.Hee
She is cute!I riding bicycle around her house and she keep ask me ride faster><

Straight away talk about 28 of DEC
Me and Yin Fei went for cut hair.
And we met at MCD again.
After that we went yumcha.She ordered a bowl of chicken hor fun
And she didnt finish that again.NOtice,my friend like to waste food.XD
We keep talking about boyfriend girlfriend when we yum cha.
Absolutely I talk about girl she talk about boyfriend.HAHA
And I ask her choose the leng zai.=D

After yumcha and chit chat we walked to saloon=D
We went MAC to have a haircut!
Yin fei just had a 5 minuite hair cut= =
A boy barber cut for her and a girl barber cut for me.HAHAHA
The leng lui barber asked me what hairstyle I want to cut.
I asked her wait a while.Then I let her see KIM JUNSU's latest pic.
She said no problem.Because KIM JUNSU hair sangat tebal and mine too.
After that she asked me how about behind.
Then I said:"Wait ,I also got his pic for backside view one.
The barber laugh and said:" Nei zhen hei hao><
I admit I'm hao.HOHO
And I dont know how to describe.So just show her the pic!:D

[I wax my hair with the old way.And made my hair so bullshit>< I look like mush if I didnt wax.hoho]

After have a haircut we walked to MCD again.
And we saw Yin yee and Pei Theng on the way.
They laugh= =Fine..
And me and Yin Fei took many pic at MCD again!!!!!

[This shoot quite leng lui.Just a bit blur.I'm the cameraman!!]

[Nah!Look.How pro am I.XD]

[When she waiting for order at MCD=D]

[And me!Retarded again!]

[See,How bad is she.Arr~The chili sauce gonna drop on my hair:(']

[She starring leng zai.XD]

[The nerd playing chili sauce:D]

[I know what she thinking about.Whispering:"Why my dear havent text me.:(XD Dont kill me><"

The day we hang out end here:D

I read my friend's article just now.
OMG.She dreamed about we're couple
It made me laguh until stomachache!:D
Her name start from"F"
But I really so curious how was my real face she dream about.
Btw,just dont try to imagine my real face.
Cause you'll puke!.XD
And I'm available and despicable.Really one:D



at 4:40 AM

A. 被点到名字的要在自己的博客里写下自己的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然组成20个问题,传给其他8个人,列出其他8个需要 回答问题的人的名字,还要到这8个人的部落格裡留言通知对方——你被点名了,被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福。

B. 这8个人要在自己的部落格裡註明是从哪裡接到的,并且再传给其他8个人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传。被点到名字的人将会得到大家的祝福,并且所有美好的愿望都会在不久的将来实现。




答案:Going school reopen and blah blah...


答案:Bad temper.Ugly looking.LOL


答案:Human being.


答案:Friendly,friendly and friendly.Not really know her.Bwahaha




答案:Handsome face.XD or a new lover..




答案:Dont know


答案:Bad temper


答案:Just moving on for my future

12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市? 为什麼?

答案:Japan korea england blah blah


答案:Human being


答案: Not really know><


答案:Every second.LOL




答案:Human being agn


答案:Dont have gf,how i know it


答案: friend


答案:I like you.But I think I'm guitless to say it out.LOL

Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 4:57 AM

Do you guys feel the title so special and creative?LOL
Warn,Dont read it if you heart disease or heart disorder!

I was online and reading ppl's blog when 3 o clock today.
Suddenly,my aunt asked my mom to borrow her a flashlight.
And my aunt said she saw something lik reptile in our shop.

After that,aunt saw the "big lizard"hiding under the board.

Then aunt asked uncle to come and catch that.
At first uncle just used stick to beat the reptile.
But it hiding under the board,uncle couldnt catch it
Then uncle decided used parang to kill the "big lizard"
Uncle hit its head by parand.RIP poor thing=(
I'm not the murderer><
I'm just the one who keep asking:"Uncle,Caught it?Caught it? I wanna take pic!"

Mom said I'm brave,because she standing far away= =

And mom asked aunt why she so sure that was reptile.
And aunt said I asked my mom(my granma)
Here their short conversation
Aunt:Mom,had you see a reptile or something lik big lizard in our shop?"
Granma:"Cheh!I saw the lizard coming in yesterday.And BIBU(cat) followed the lizard came in too"
After we heard it,we.....CHILL!
Grandma doesnt tell us about that before we realized= =

[Sorry,if this makes you wanna puke=( And look!How long is it!]

[J's shop victim.LOL I know I'm bad]

[Anorther side.RIP poor thing]

[Nah.Not zoom in shoot!I'm brave and the camera almost stuck to its bloody face=P]

[Bibu,I know what you thinking about.Dont sad baby.XD]

And and maybe I'll cut my fur tomorrow!!!!

the end


Friday, December 25, 2009 at 4:04 AM

Warn,This article just quite long,full of words and maybe not intrest for you.
Consider about should read it or not:D

Yea.Merry Christmas to all human being.
Christmas just nothin for me.But I having a very "special"Christmas this year.
Fever now.LOL

The most special thing is just a day I living with some Christmas wish.
Thanks for those sweet friends x)
Christmas passing,that mean there are still 10 days going to school reopen.
Flash back holiday,many things happended.

Broke up with the one  I loved.
And yeah,I was sad.
But no longer...
I thought I would keep crying this holiday.
But I'm not.Cause I figured out
Love can working in different way,right?Hee
And at least I knew I'm not a good lover a good boyfriend
I deserved=D

The second one is.Oh yea!I got my first job when my sixteen:D
Before I work I got the feeling it would be hard.
But after I tried it.I realized I'm just a kid before.
Now I feel like grow up in this 2 months.BIG BOY.Wink*
Sport shop.uhm,I have a lilttle intres in sport.
And I get many experience there.
I knew how to change racquet string:D
And how to talk with customer.
The cost and the making of products.
Those thing we would never learn from school.
And I went insurance sdn to pay money help my aunt to bank in cash and cheque
I never do that before.But now I did
We have to know all those thing before we graduated
Teenagers should be more independent:D

Teehee,After losta lover 
I realized friends are so much important in our life.
But we should know how to choose a good friend.
The one who be with you when you having troubles and sad is you soulmate
Belive it.And dont lost ur soulmate.:D
And and and,I really miss my classmate.

Just twenty soemthing students in our class.
We never have a quarrel.I'm glad to be their monitor.
Although teacher always say our class so noisy.LMAO
That's my fault.Hohoho
10 more days I can see those guys.
Waiting to see their new hairstyle.
I knew they all "fixed" their hair.LOL
And we gonna fight with SPM next year.
Moving on together and I wish we wont keep lazy.
Arr.Geee!I never touch my holiday homework.

10 karangan! 

The last,it's weird but it's worth.
Something I never knew I needed.
But I needing.
I wish I can get it,but I couldnt.
Finding someways to get it...

And and and i'm going to cut my fur!
Wanna be Kim Junsu.
Allah.I enjoying dreaming=P
He's cute and hot.
I'm just so bullshit!LOL
i'm pretty sure I will be mushroomie after I cut my fur.
Just waiting for it:D

My holiday just so "colourful"
Honestly,this holiday really unforgettable!


You can run but you cant hide.LOL

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 6:21 PM

The tuition day again.And I couldnt finish the paper.
So,extra class.I belong with you><
I'm the only who arrived tt center most early in our gang.
So I helped they all leave a row of seat.
After that I went MCD meet with Yin Fei.
And we bought two set of breakfast=D
The gimme Yin Fei took two plates of chili sauce and a few pack of pepper.
Finally,she was deserved.Kept telling me the burger so spicy.Dai sei.LOL
And we became photoholic.
Took many pic there but I'm not gonna to post so much here.*FACE PROBLEM[I mean myself]
10.00 am we only stepping out MCD and went to tt.
Yin Fei keep capture and capture whenever we walking to tt center.
And I said:"Becareful >< Apa orang ni!"
And she asked me be her photographer too.Allah
Capture freak!= =

After  tt i accompany her bought school shoes.
She bought a pair of school shoes with 30 bucks.NICE!
And we saw NIKE BAG there.
I love the latest one 116 bucks!Should I buy it by using my salary?
And Yin Fei like the black colour one 89.90
That's nice too but I prefer the colourful one:D
Yin Fei's friend also took us went to third floor.
There got many school bag too,But those school bag is a bit girlish for me.LOL

And we would find one day go Parade Jusco and that complex looking for schoolbag,shoes,bottle,pencil case....BLAH BLAH BLAH
Arrr.And those lazy dum dum didnt go for tt!
I leave seat for them!Embarrassed!ISH

This Sunday need wake up early again!
Have to go tt center for choosing next year tt time.SIGH
9.30 only can leave.ISH

[I wont show you my face.HAHA.Nikeholic?*NERD!]

[And she's 2NE1 member.This photo she looked really pretty rite? But I others pic quite big different with this one!Why?]


Miss you

Monday, December 21, 2009 at 4:14 PM

I feel like dying.
A lady look like"pelacur" add me through the friend finder on fb.
Should I approve her?><
It remind me something terrible.Arrr~~

Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 7:22 PM

BOO.I considered it for a long time.
My parents and aunt asked me where I want to study after graduated Seconday school.
And I figured out the answer.
I think I'll try my best get a result as good as I can did
My aunt asked me study in Beijing U,But I dont want
Because easily to jaded of the same thing I facing.Notice:NOt including the people I facing=)
So that my conclusion is apply to become a exchange student.
Exchange student can go to different country and know about other nation's culture.
Can get more friends and experience=D
And some senior told me.Even we figured out how to work our own way.
It might be would change after graduated.
Because the situation totally different!

And I think there are nobody I should waiting for...
Hmm.That's the only problem I still havent figure out.
But nvm.Just let me dream first.LOL
And I show the country  I wish I can go here=D

 [Tokyo city!Boo.I like this view:D]

[Sakura.Everyone lik it.I wish I can take pic there.Whee]

Notice*And I do really like sushi and ramen.Hee

[The night of Seoul!]

Kimchi!I'm coming!*NERD.haha

[New York big city!]

[Skyline of Manhattan]

[I think I should go there as fast as I can.See,it's the view of Manhattan after Ice cap melted:(]

Blake Lively waiting for me >3 LOL

[London Night view.:D]

[London eyes! Romantic.Hey dude.Bring along your sweetie go there.*wink]

Dont try to mention Malaysia eyes cause It's totally sucks><
Btw,If I've no money I would take Malaysia eyes and try to imagine I being in London eyes.LOL

And I wanna go French too.Go there learn bake cake make dessert and pastry!
Uhm.Preparing ingredient for white chocolate cake.Who wanna try?Sob*
 Arr.Friends please dont worry I'm not really private my blog.^^
I changed my blogskin finally.:)

Yea.And and..I really like you but I think you really dont like me.SIGH



Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 6:52 PM

Look,That's why I fucking mad of their action!I have no idea why government giving chance let us study moral.Because they dont even know the moral value!If you guys went pologround on noon before.You would know there are many ppl jogging and exercise there.Ppl need to use it.And it's sit up bar.Not pub bar.

And I found something ...LOL

[Hmm.It's quite cool...disgusting!!!!And I would never do this.LOL]


[That's what I do every working day.]

[And my middle finger get hurt by the machine.Show you my international finger.*]

[This backpack nice? I hope it can be my school bag.Actually it use to pack racquect.GAHH]

[And do you believe her is Taylor Swift?A model+Singer.She's awesome!:D]



hello world!

Life is too short don't try to waste it and laugh and smile when something else try to hurt you.It's a magical power to makes us happy :)


You will know me well :)
Jacob also known as KHY.It's my name.
Going Seventeen but with 17 month's baby's mind.LOL
Currently study in PGS as known as Perak Girls School It's not a lovely school:]

Those things could really drive me crazy:

Cakes/dessert,Gorgeous Celebrities,Photograph,Music!,Movies, Rubik cube,Sport,Dance

Create your like badge



All I ever wanted!

-Home stay
-Guitar/Drum set
-Motorbike license
-Car license
-Leave Malaysia
-Baker Course
-Pro camera

Celebrities which I think AWESOME.
Micheal Joseph Jackson
Taylor Alison Swift
Justin Drew Bieber
Khalil Fong
Im Yoona SNSD
Kim Junsu 2PM
Ga in B.E.G
Jung Younghwa CN BLUE

Whisper Hello :D

Smack yourself if you wanna spam my Cbox:)

Welcome guys:)

Dont stop Cant stop!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



layout @ glamouresque.
image @ one and two