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Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 6:06 PM

Take part in 2 function in the same day.
Morning,7 something arrived school.
30 something student.
The most ridiculous thing is Form 5 less student wanna join,so teacher made it available for Form 4 student too.
What to do with those form 5 students who do want join?LOL
8.00 went stadium by Universiti Tun Hussien Onn's bus.
Arrvied there.Free breakfast.Nasi lemak T.T
I ate breakfast actually.But can't waste food right?
After breakfast we had a lecture course.
And hurray.I'm the camera man!!!

Here some pics I took at there.

Taking there nasi lemak.LOL

When those Miss ready to eat:D

The 2 teachers who leaded us.Pn Siew and Cik.Ng:)

Tradi chinese dance.But there are no chinese ><

Whole group pic.Quite blur because the light off when we taking this pic x(
I'm the fellow at left handside.So aunty feel.xD

I took many many *uncountable info paper.
But honestly the college I most intres with is Flamingo International College.
I noticed this school since I was Form 3.
Because I like with their baking course.
I knew I would not study there,because Mum don't let me take baking course.SIGH
But I just really wanna make it possible:(
The reason why I went stadium.
It's the only way to makes I no need study at China available.
Because I really ...love my friends?I don't know.SIGHSSSSSSSSSS

Phantesieren 2010
Guess what?
My school's band concert.
They keep practice and practice for this show.
It's compltely & totally sucessful!
And touched too:)
Encore 2 times.LOL

Here some pics I took there.[some might not show now.]

The opening.

Me and tomato.We took during band changing clothe:D.

Brand new RELA.xD

The play drum one so fucking cool!!

End of concert.They seem quite happy right?:D

Leong asked us shout Pgs is the best when ending.
So insane right?But we did :P
I keep clapped hand and scream the whole concert.LOL
I paid all my passion ady x)
The song I love the most is 花心 by Wakin Chau.
Nice song!!
I have took many pic actually.
But most of those pic taking by tomato's camera.
I have to wait she copy those pics for me :(

The most happy moment is my friends said me handsome jor so much.HAHAHAHAHA
Sorry for I perasan.xD
It's quite funny.LOL
But I was upsetting after back home..

Friday, March 26, 2010 at 5:37 AM

Miss you everyday,every hour every second.
But not gonna text you every time.
Maybe you're not miss me at all?
Wanted to talk with you when I was upsetting,
But I never did it.
Maybe you're not care me at all?
Wanted to sharing with you when I was happy
But I never did it too.
Maybe you're not gonna happy for me?
 I'm really sad madly when you talking about others else.
But I'm not gonna show you
Maybe you thought that's non of my business?
I'm really care about you when you told me you were in difficult situation
But I just will care you as a friend
Maybe you don't ever need my caring at all?
I'm really confuse and bushed when you were angry me.
But I just don't know what to do.
Maybe you just angry me as friend?
I'm truly fall for you
But I just too afraid too say it out
Maybe you're not gonna choose me as the one?
I'm really uneasy and fidgety when you figuring your decision
But I just don't know how to tell you that how much I love You
Maybe you have figured out the decision.
And it just not a good news for me?

I'm really stupid,brainless and gutless.
Nobody can help it

Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 6:47 AM

What the fucking problem with You and You?!!
If you think those dessert you made is fucking delicious then please keep ur fuck mouth shut!
I never ask or giving you a permission to eat my cake!
Am I offended you?I really wanted to know that?
Something wrong with you?
If you're really so fucking good in making dessert pls show me some proo.Mother Fucker!
My happy day destroyed by You and You

What the fucking problems with You too?
I never disturb your beloved
I never slander you or offend you.
Please don't acting like a son of bitch.

If both of you think that clubbing is real cool or fucking the hellling cool.
That's yours business.
Do you think you ever did something good to ppl before? 
You just know to waste up money.
Clubbing pretty cool?Get straight As on SPM.
I will let you slap!
You just a outsider. 
How old are you? Famous is money machine;famous is Atm machine?
If you do really like hang out and clubbing please stop study 
That's not Your way! 
And I don't think you ever look like a TOM.
You wanna know about me just ask me straight away if you dare.
I'm good or worst than you non of your fucking business! 
Yea.I'm not handsome as you.
But not stand that you're fucking good than me

I jaded of those moments with both of YOU!
Or else I will just let you both keep barking.
At least I knew both of You dont have a future.
Both of you're DONE:)

at 5:43 AM

No idea why I put the title as today was a fairytale.
So dulan.Beck Khee saved those pics we took on steambot night.
But I deleted those pics accidentally!!!!!
Kong ho ye you're so fucking stupid.Grrrrrr
Fine,ask Beck Khee save again.xD

I bought pgs concert ticket.
I don't feel like going.
No matter how many friends of me going,
I still feel that bored and lame:(
Going stadium on SAT morning.
Ask for college and University's info.
A freaking fun and great activity.
There are 3 ppls in my class going including me.
The others are Cui Yi and Sook Fan:)

Feel so so sooooooooooooooo Happy today.LOL
I like a laughing maniac now x)
Tomorrow sure let mun mun say me cisin fat tin.LMAO

 Oh yea.I cut my fur

Don't ever say I look like chicken little anymore:( I'm GUINEA PIG:P

Today was a fairytale

Friday, March 19, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Last night,when my mum doing something.
I turned to 8TV.And I was like :O again.
It's a fucking super hyper duper bad news!!
But she seem like relief and she promised she would not stop singing for her fans:D
I'm the her fan too.Hee
I had add her as friend on facebook.
But yet,she still haven't confirm my request.
Hope she still moving on like she did before:)

Today morning,,I looked at my phone.
2 message received.
One is by Pui Mun.
It's a bad news too!
She told me she not coming tonight.What the hell dude?
Fine,she told she going KL tonight.
If let me make a decision I will go KL too:P
She not going just leave me 1 tom eat steamboat with girls
A lil bit weird & strange x(
And the other msg from Beck Khee.
She asked me whether I going or not tonight.
Because there are so many ppls "put her aeroplane"LOL
Obviously I'm going tonight.

The BIG problem is I keep sneezing and coughing:(
I must pretend like I'm fully recovered in front of my mum.
It's not  a easy job x(
I must be greatness for my tom yam soup with beef >3

The main point of this post her.
I wondering why those boys somemore tom call their own girlfriend or others's girlfriend as "DISH"[in cantonese]
Some friends asked me is it your "dish" when I was in love.
Major of them is boys and sure there are some tom too.
I feel like they are disrespect me and my girlfriend.
They usually talk like this.
And they intro their girlfriend as this is my "DISH"
What the hell I feel like wanna punch them.
They may intro as"is my GIRLFRIEND" somemore if they are sweet they can say as"my baby"or so on.
They are not suppose to intro their girlfriend like "baby" honey blah blah blah
But at least they may say GIRLFRIEND
DISH a such as insulting and disrespect the girl they talking about.
Or they just use to be INSULTER.

Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 6:48 PM

Get cold.
No matter how serious is it,I still wanna go eat steamboat!!
I miss those soup with beef.JENGZ!
But I really not feeling well now.Damn it
Feel like fire burning my whole body.Sore throat:(

Whatever I think I will recover soon.LOL
And below is a pretty hyper funny conversation by 2 girl from my tuition centre.

A:My friend said I looked like a Korea Girls Group's member.

B:Huh,Which one?

A:Don't know how to pronounce.Start from S one.S xxx.

B:9 girls right.SNSD right?I got their picture in my phone.

A:Hoo.Let me see.

B:Your friend said you look like which one.

A:Hmm.If I'm not mistaken is this one.

B:Huh.That's Yoona! But I think you dont looked like her.Her mouth bigger.Your mouth so small-.-

I whipering:Ish.Wtf?! Your mouth bigger bitch.Grrrrrr!

A:I don't know.I think I'm not looked like her too.

B:Yea sure.Her skin so fair.And she's most pretty Korea girl.

I whispering:Luckily you said that.If not you better watch out.Wait a moment,if A really looked like
                   Yoona she must be hyper pretty.

Wait until finished tuition.I turned back my head and have a look.
Huh.I was like :O
Conclusion:If she does really looked like Yoona,I may Lee U or Kim Junsu's twins brother!ROLF!!!

She's not ugly,but really BIG different with Yoona.
GOSH.Who is her friend with blind eyes?
The most hateful action she did was she keeping watch Korean boy bands photos and keep shouting this so cute so leng zai.This not handsome.The whole lesson I just heard HOU LENG ZAI AR.Not I really want to heard what they said.

They talk really loud and they just sat behind me!

WTF.LENG ZAI LENG ZAI LENG ZAI!You would die without them?!
I knew I'm mean:P
So what,I'm always mean about something I really love.
If I think I will fail I would never take action.LOL

Guys,check out American Idol's Lacey Brown.
She's amazing with her angle voice.
Although those song she use to be sing not teen's type.
But she still drives me crazy!:D

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 7:16 PM

Hockey Competition-Practice

 I love this much.All of us seem so EMO.Lol.I'm the black shirt one


Had a try for soccer socks><

The most good attack.I have no idea,why I'm standing behind her when she....LOL!

When we are practice short corner.

Hockey Competition-Stadium

Sight of our back and Vivian face.LOL!I'm No.10

Discussing  the plot to menang.And I showing muscle.LOL Cant help it,It's too HOT

I didnt upload this pic to facebook.Because It's too UGLY.I mean me

Sorry for my eye expression is a lil bit YUM!Not my fault:(

This shoot is so much better with King men's funny expression.Lmao

King of the world.HAHAHAHA

Except See Teng.Our expression seem so excited.!

My eyes was so "BIG" with contact lens:D

Run baby run!LOL We all running

"BIG" eyes again

Continue...Next post

at 5:42 AM

Wee.Went JJ for movie with friends today.
Hmm.Not really friends actually.
90% use to be strangers.LOL
Whatever just skip it:)

At first we want to watch Alice In Wonderland.
Unfortunately,bought the wrong tickets.
So we watched Hot Summer Days.
The selling point of this movie is Angela Baby.I mean for me:D

If I'm not mistaken this movie build by 6 different love story.
This movie not bad actually.
Some funny scenes there too:)
But better watch with lovers.HAHA
It's lil bit weird if watch with friends.
And I did the weird way.HOHO

See,she is gorgeous even without make up!Arrrrrrr

She with this guy in the movie:)

Angela baby with make up.Not that big different with none make up too!

Go watch it with your dear!You will not regret:D
Although I dont have a girlfriend.
But I'm not regret,because of Angela Baby>3

After movie,I bought some Donuts for my mum exactly.
I never thought that my mum said:You just know how to waste up money after she saw me bought those Donuts.
I was whispering:Actually I buy for you.
I didnt tell her that because I dont even wanna she know that I care about her.
Fine,if she dont want to eat.I may eat alone
And those Donuts delicious too.
Therefore,I will enjoy my donuts delight!LOL

Going for steamboat with Sook Fun,Cui Yi,Bao Shan,Beck Khee,Pui Mun and so on on this SAT.
Cant wait for it! :O
And this for Pui Mun.I go eat steamboat not because of Sook Fun-.-
Because I just wanna have fun on Bao Shan's birthday!:D

Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 11:56 PM

Okay.Edited mu blogskin  by using my cousin sis's laptop.
Why i using her laptop to update my blog?
1 reason needed.I'm lame!
Finally finished editing my blogskin.
And I search some information about China's University.
Yea.CHINA.Normally,people think CHINA is cheap.
But I gonna show you all.China isnt that CHEAP as we think!
Shang Hai University's library!

 Shang Hai U's office


Night view of the University 

See.It's amazing!Although now just MARCH
But dad and mum asked me search more info about China's U
I wish I can study there and apply to be a exchange student for half year or more.
I go China study eventually.
But everything depends on my SPM result.
Hmm.Hope I can get some As :)

Go JJ for movie with friends later.
Photos of Hockey competition and Sport day will be upload soon.

Waiting for L4D2!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 5:24 AM

There a piece of paper,
full of words.
A boy erased all unhappiness and sadness memory by rubber.
At the same time he saw HER name on the paper.
She was BOY's everything,but no longer.
Now she had gone.
BOY erased HER name too.
And BOY leave the paper blank for a long time.
One day,He meet an angle.
He loves angle.
He wrote angle's name on the paper by using pen.
Because rubber couldnt erase it.
He wrote a very big one.
Angle's name cover the whole paper.
He swore,if angle leave him someday,
He don't need a correction tape,
he just will burning up the paper.

Guess what?The BOY is me and the paper is my spirit and soul.

Copied from  Blah Blah Blah website.LOL:)

Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 3:09 AM

I still haven't get back my pendrive from King Men.
So I may just post article here.

From form 3-form 4
I never attend all hockey practice except this year.
Every training day you will see I playing hockey at field.
And it's the main reason my skin dark like hell!
I still remember the last day of Pra-sukan
We had no space to practice and next week we have to take part in MSSD.
Pn.Jega keep scold us.
And she just giving us half hour for practice.
LOL.Half hour can improve our skill?It's a BIG JOKE
All of us seem disappointed there were no space for practice and that was the last day we can practice for MSSD.
Luckily,pengerusi inform us SAT can come back school for training.
And all attended!:D

The first day
We played with TCS.
Majority Indian,but they're really can play!
Especially the Num 7.
I can't imagine I praising her,because she's really hateful when we playing with her school.
The result is DRAW 2-2.
I still remember teacher said the first match at least must draw.
And we made it!
Teacher seem so so so happy and contended about it.
Sri Ampang girls so friendly and said bye to us when we going back
They applauded for us too.Hee

The second day.
We played with two school.
The first match we play with SMK Bercham.
The first round we played not very well.
We lose 1
But the second round we goal 3.
The moment and the feeling really great!
And I would never forget AMC hockey team applaud for us.
So fucking LOUD you know?LOL
After first match teacher told us must applaud for AMC later.
And we did it too.
Unfortunately the lose the first match:(
But the second match they DRAW.
We got some new frens there.
Amc students are friendly:)
The second match we played with SMC-Main Convent
I thought they're just nice and friendly
After a match with them.It proved me I was wrong!
They really good in marking people.
But they're really completely the fucking no manners
They show us their middle finger when we on the bus.
MF.They ruined their school's image.
So thankful for juniors.
There were 20++ juniors come for support.
I knew they scared for sunlight
But they still took can come for support.
I love them!>3
Although the one I wish she come does'nt come:(

The third day.
We played with Teknik School.
And It was the most sadness day for us.
Our result is DRAW.
Every team have 5 chances to goal.
Teknik School goal 3 we goal 2.
So we're LOSE.
But Tcs's coach tell us their technic totally wrong.
He asked our teacher go and proceed.
But the referee ignored our teacher.WTF!
King Men suddenly said she saw two camera man captured pics and video during we play goal.
So we go and asked.
Fucking unluckily.Camera man is teknik school one.
For sure,they don't let us see those pic and video.
We all disappointed and some of them cried too.
But we still applaud for TCS
And shout for the Num 7 so fucking LOUD.
Her name Tira.
It's too bad they lose too.SIGH
They team they played with got a fucking pretty Malay girl!
I keep screaming beside Yan Theng.The Malay girl so PRETTY!
And Yan Theng asked me go kao her.LOL
I didn't for sure.
Tira asked us is it lose the last match.
And we said yes.
She said nevermind,play hard next year.
I told her no next year for us.We form 5 already.
She said sama sama.
We just like trying to console each other.
I never thought I will talk with her as friend:D
And thanks all human-being who support us.

Sri Ampang,Amc,Gunung Rapat and some BOYS?Lol.
Those boys are quite funny.
I still remember they said PGS!Must menang.You all study in famous school
Lol.Famous in LALA girls right?xD
I don't know how to describe the feeling of all matches.
I think 1 word enough for everything TOUCHED!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 6:57 PM

Stage Name: 윤아 YoonA
Real Name: 임윤아 Im Yoona
Birthday: May 30, 1990
Age: 20
Height: 1.66m[Same with me.Winks*]
Weight: 47kg
Blood Type: B
Group: So Nyuh Shi Dae / Girls' Generation
Position: Supporting Vocalist
Language: Korean
School: Daeyoung High School, 3rd Year
Fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/imyoona [Luxury Brand]
Casted: 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition
-2004 TVXQ's Magic Castle MV
-2006 Sanyo Eneloop CF
-2006 Teun Teun English 'Follow Me' CF
-2006 TVXQ First Concert guest appearance
-2006 Super Junior's U MV
-2006 TZSX's 얼정 (My Everything) MV
-2007 Elite CF with SS501
-2007 Sunkist Lemonade CF w/ Super Junior's Kangin, Heechul | Version 2
-2007 Clean and Clear CF
-2007 MBC 9 Hits, 2 Outs
-2007 Super Junior's Marry U MV
-Cindy the Perky, eCole, Dasoo magazines
-Debuted on August 3, 2007 with Single, Into the New World, along with So Nyuh Shi Dae
-Released their first album, So Nyuh Shi Dae 

Hmm.Actually M.y asked me to watch girl's genaration's Gee mv for a long long time.
I think half year ago.
But I never listen to her.
Until last week she discussing about Oh by girl's genaration.
They all said Yoona and Yuri so fucking hell gorgeous.
I don't believe and I said sure plastic surgery one.
But after that I'm so curious so I watched Oh dance version

I saw the girl who stand at center for the start of mv is so gorgeous and charming!!!
After that I found out that's Im Yoona.
I'm totally fall for her from that second>3
She's pretty,gorgeous,adorable,charming and awesome!

See,how cute is she!

 Oh live performance focused on Yoona.She's an angle!!!

I keep download her pics and videos this few days.
And my mum scolded me yesterday.
Because I just keep playing Oh and Gee.
My mum already can sing the melody.LMAO!
I love Im Yoona.
And I saw a guy leave a comment on her video.
He said Yoona is her wife.FCUK!
She's MINE 
And no more hockey competition
All end all gone.
All done.My last year my last chance all ruined.
An unfair match end up my last chance.
SIGH.Just pass it.
Photo will be upload soon after I get back my pendrive:)

Waiting for red shirt leng lui's photo!ROFL

hello world!

Life is too short don't try to waste it and laugh and smile when something else try to hurt you.It's a magical power to makes us happy :)


You will know me well :)
Jacob also known as KHY.It's my name.
Going Seventeen but with 17 month's baby's mind.LOL
Currently study in PGS as known as Perak Girls School It's not a lovely school:]

Those things could really drive me crazy:

Cakes/dessert,Gorgeous Celebrities,Photograph,Music!,Movies, Rubik cube,Sport,Dance

Create your like badge



All I ever wanted!

-Home stay
-Guitar/Drum set
-Motorbike license
-Car license
-Leave Malaysia
-Baker Course
-Pro camera

Celebrities which I think AWESOME.
Micheal Joseph Jackson
Taylor Alison Swift
Justin Drew Bieber
Khalil Fong
Im Yoona SNSD
Kim Junsu 2PM
Ga in B.E.G
Jung Younghwa CN BLUE

Whisper Hello :D

Smack yourself if you wanna spam my Cbox:)

Welcome guys:)

Dont stop Cant stop!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



layout @ glamouresque.
image @ one and two