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Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 6:10 AM

For me,it's been a long time I didnt update my blog.
Recently really not in the mood wanted to update my bloggie.
I took a lots pic with my classmate.
But I'm really can't let lazy go out my mind

Everyone including me can't believe that I'm taking part in talent quest.
So I attending for street dance class again.Just for 1 month.
Yesterday was the first day I attending the class.
We learned the first variation.
Frankly speaking,I love the routine teacher set for us.It's amazing
But I cant part of the variation.
After street dance class I went back home and started baking cake
From 1pm until 9pm I never sit down.
My muscle was already fucking pain after street dance
After baked the cake I still have to wash tons of thing.OMGGGGG
And the cake really look disgusting eww
I should sleep immediately after finished all work
But the drama my mum watched was really attractive it made my laughed non stop
I fall asleep during I laughing.HAHAHA
Dont feel like wanna waking up for school this morning.
I'm really not feeling well but I couldnt skip school
I waking up with my tired body and mind LOL

After school passed the cake to her while the time I waiting for tuition
I feel embarrassing while passing it because it's ugly and tak ikhlas
The most bad thing happened during I eating with my friend at their school canteen
My friend's pj teacher come and asked me what class I come from
Of course the teacher knew I'm not studying in that school
I was fucking embarrassed. ISH.Where can I go next thurs?!
After tuition went street dance class.
They all learned the second variation already
I have to catch up as fast as possible
I keep practice the same steps until my knee and angle turned dark purple
I still have to going for street dance class tomorrow
I wish I really could finish the routine and performed it well!

Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 6:39 AM

Abandoned my blog for a week.Hee
Eventually,saya kembali!LOL
Took many pic in this week.
Some of them with beloved cousin sis.
Some with beloved classmate :)
Sadness happiness happened in this week  for sure.
But we must through sadness away and be with happiness forever.
That's the only perfect way to live happy.Hee

Pictures time.

Me and Jessy(my cousin sis)
Fucking ugly I knew.LOL


I wish I could fucking drive!In car btw :)

Me and lovely classmate

They were presenting there dialoge role-play.Couldnt show their face because I would murdered by them.



Our Chinese & Class teacher Pn Chai :)

I'm the who wearing Cadet Uniform.Me and Pn Chai's pic.xD

Class pic without me and Pui Mun :)

Class pic with me and Mun >3

Me and  my tablemate Pui Mun.I like this but can't see her face x(

She like this :D

Fuck You Idiot.LOL

Mun took this.I have no idea.I guess she wanna show off she's using nike I'm using adidas?xD

Cooking section:)

Me and Wo De Mei Ren.:P

My ingredients also so BIG size one.LOL

Chang chang chang chang!My disgusting Pumpkin and Tauhu.LMAO!

It's for Spm result one.
So I do really took it serious.
Although I fucking hate the ginger taste.ISHHH
It's better than I thought :D

Eeee,I cut my fur again!
But some of my friends said didnt realized wor.ISHHHH!!!

So I decided to show before and after haircut's pic.xD


After.Nahhhh.Different lor.Sideburn also short adyyyy!!!!:(((

The reason I cut my hair again is it's too long!Plus it's too hot!!
The main reason is we have to take class photo soon.LMAO!!
Arr.And the book I holding is The Vampire Diaries.
Nice book i bought from Popular one :)
Check it out!

Earthquake again.SIGHS
Did you guys realize temperature keep increase recently?!
Damn hot weather.Our earth sick.
Sick of those activity did by human.
Earth is hurt so badly.
I really can imagine that the situation of earthquake.
What if you're the victim?
Do ppl ever think that those thing will happen on our life?

We share a world,save the earth :)
Guys,recycle!Its work to save our earth our home.

Nice song I found by a local malay singer with Colby O-donis from USA!!!!

What you waiting for from Mizznina and Colby O-Donis :)

baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

[mizz nina]
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

its your birthday
so tell me what's you want it too

[mizz nina]
its my birthday
im really wanna get with you

drop the beat now and may be we can get it started

[mizz nina]
will go insane and take you to the after party

so what's your name hey baby what's your name oh yeah

[mizz nina]
sexys my name yea sexys my name

ok and whats your game hey baby what's your game
[mizz nina]
ok i like to play..i ..i like to play

baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

[mizz nina]
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

hey sexy girl from kuala lumpur
[mizz nina]
hey baby that's me i'll be on the dance floor

i got you with surprise we pop in up in VIP
[mizz nina]
and if i ask nice can i take you home with me

baby let's get crazy come and loose control
you want to tear up after party
i know you wants some more
i wanna see you with that body ???

baby come and get it
what you what you waiting for

Oh yea.I changed my song again..
A chinese song.Love it although i no longer addicted to Chinese pop :)

Going Kl on 1st of May and Penang on June.
Kl for pameran Vocasional .Penang for INTI College :)
I'm the first one who deny to go this kind of activity before.
But no longer,I wanna find my way out
ShangHai is waiting for me!:D
If you asked me am I love to study.
Not really.The one I love is my future.

I believe love is greatness since I saw something.
I agreed age is not a problem for love someone.
But why I told my friend is a problem for me?

And I wondering why Yoona face different in Run Devil Run Mv.
Honestly I couldnt recognize her :S 

Care  some one not stand that we must contact someone.
 Feeling of missing stay in our heart and it never gone.

Friday, April 9, 2010 at 11:03 PM

idea to the title I should put as.
Muffins and cupcakes.That's all recently I think aboutt.
Muffin?Cupcake?Which one better?! The choices pissing me off!

I'm the one who wearing cadet uniform.I can't recognized myself x( Btw,the other is Mun mun >3

She's freaky hot! :)

Eng songs are getting less and less.It's the most nice new song I found:)

Anyone can tell me muffin or cupcake better?
Vanilla or chocolate better?
Holy shit.When can I figured out?!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 5:09 AM

1 moth more that my cat have been lost.
I don't know whether it's still alive or not.
I really miss my kitty.
Where it gone?SIGH.
My phone sent to repair for 3 weeks.
Can get my phone eventually tomorrow.
The only thing made me feel happy.
I miss my phone!!!Hope that my memory card not formatted.
I'm the who incharge to design picture for school magazine.
But they all seem like not really want to give me their picture.
I wont laugh at them.Why they're so ...Shy?
Maybe they worrying that I really will makes their face to Avatar?LOL
I was just kidding...

Don't ask me those horrible question anymore.Please.I begging you!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010 at 12:09 AM

Currently girl's used to be fearless and all brave.
A form 2 student asked my friend photostat our class timetable for her friend
If I'm not mistaken,the girl's friend is my tablemate's fan
Although she didnt spoke a word.But definitely there are something like that going on
This action damn BRAVE! Gonna tell me tablemate that she got a fan.LOL
Wolfgirls borned.I never thought that girls can do those action and say those ...words.
Somemore even boys and tb also can't do that?

Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 7:06 AM

I find that I'm really kinda super-nerd-stupid.
I couldnt give a reason why and i couldnt help it too.
That's what my aunt told me.
My behavior just totally same with my dad.
Chinese guy tradi-mind.
Fucking caring about that but never say it out.
Fucking worry but act like I don't really that care unless it's like fire burning my brain.Made me gonna freak out.
It's quite hard to show it out.Don't know why
Especially for family.I would never show.
Some more for friends better

Saw the one I fucking don't feel like want to see yesterday.
She used the old way to staring at me.From my top to the bottom.
Obviously kind of insulting.
It's allright.Not the first time she did.
Memeries recall that she staring at me same like yesterday on 1-1-2009
The new year day I would never forget.
Because she was fucking freak me out.
I wondered why she staring at me like this for a long time.
I couldnt get a answer.Is she just fucking think she's so much better than me?
I hope that's something wrong with her eyes but not she really wanna used her fucking evil eyes staring at me.
Frankly speak.I'm fucking HATE HER.A lot
I don't even have self-controlling through the feeling i hate her.
But what can I do to curb this?Except height,I have nothing better than her.LOL
She can get excellent result.Can I?
She's fucking talented in sweet talk.Am I?
She can make girls happy by using cash.Can I?
I couldnt I'm not I can't

Somehow,she's the sprung and momentum that making me do all better
I had try to be more effort on my study since she fucking said me as a shit.
I don't have many cash like her cause my parents won't give me much like her parents did.
Somemore,I have to earn money by myself.
And notice that I'm not the fucking shit as she said.My friends too.

A lots of homework.
Principal will check all of us's homework on Monday.
Those homework really does freak me out.
Due the font in my science note is really the helling ugly.
I had decided to do a new notes.
And I just finished it.Not that much 13 pages. ><
Going to do correction for my Sejarah paper tomorrow.
I'm going crazy with it because I do really hate history as I hate her.LMAO
Watched Jeniffer's body by Megan Fox.
It's not that horrible as I thought.
She was hot in the movie.But evil.

Not going to be greedy,just wish she wont belong to HER.

Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 5:55 AM

Quite like a fool today.
Friend dumped me to tuition alone.ISH
Walking around alone near by tuition center.
Bored til call my cousin sis and begged she chat with me x(
Luckily saw my friends.They are a couple.
So I was their light bulb for half hour.Embarrassed!
Fine,it was so much better I waiting for tuition alone right?

Stay back for hockey practice yesterday.
Raining and we stop practice on 2 something.
Heavy rain have came.
Playing under the extremely heavy rain.
Leong was upsetting.So I did this not-really-clever thing with her and a form 3 hockey junior too.LOL
We went block C empty class room did something such lame and what do it call?Crazy?
We wrote Happy April Fool on the blackboard.
And there were a gang of student came in suddenly.
They all laugh madly after saw what we had write.Embarrassed!!!
Teacher asked us is it celebrating April fool there.
Guess what?We said yes:D Teacher laugh too.LOL
After that we sat on the staircase and chit chat.
Pn.Michelle Ting asked a form 1 student come and find me.
I thought she wanted to scold me cause might we talk to laugh and disturbed their lesson
I couldnt imagine that she told me :Why you sat there,heavy rain and lighting now.It's dangerous.
I was like :O And they all laugh madly after heard that.
Leong asked :why teacher just asked you becareful of lighting but didnt asked us?
You know what?Teacher love me.xD Perasan!LOL

3 something.We playing under the heavy rain and took some nerd pics.

All wet.

It's fun and the rain washed all of our pain.LMAO!

We found this "little cutie" at block D.I captured it:D

We were "showering" Eee.My tooth so fucking white lor.LMAO!

Nana advised to do this,Haha.The darker fingers is mine.LOL

That's what we wrote.Leong wrote the chinese one.I wrote the English one.LOL Happy April fool

Wish my friend can forget all about sadness and moving on with a brand new her :D
Gosh.Oral tomorrow.
Dialoge role playing.I playing myself-Jacob.LMAO!

Don't take her away.Please...

hello world!

Life is too short don't try to waste it and laugh and smile when something else try to hurt you.It's a magical power to makes us happy :)


You will know me well :)
Jacob also known as KHY.It's my name.
Going Seventeen but with 17 month's baby's mind.LOL
Currently study in PGS as known as Perak Girls School It's not a lovely school:]

Those things could really drive me crazy:

Cakes/dessert,Gorgeous Celebrities,Photograph,Music!,Movies, Rubik cube,Sport,Dance

Create your like badge



All I ever wanted!

-Home stay
-Guitar/Drum set
-Motorbike license
-Car license
-Leave Malaysia
-Baker Course
-Pro camera

Celebrities which I think AWESOME.
Micheal Joseph Jackson
Taylor Alison Swift
Justin Drew Bieber
Khalil Fong
Im Yoona SNSD
Kim Junsu 2PM
Ga in B.E.G
Jung Younghwa CN BLUE

Whisper Hello :D

Smack yourself if you wanna spam my Cbox:)

Welcome guys:)

Dont stop Cant stop!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



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